Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Embracing Love

Embracing Love
I wrote this today, very much inspired by J. Krishnamurti...

"When your mind is fully present, in its awakened state, only Love will exist. The so-called evils of the world will cease to exist since they derive from your lack of attention, which divides your mind. Begin with yourself, bringing your mind to a state of Love. Each time your mind becomes distracted by illusions of evil, return once again to a state of Love."
Every day I practice this, embracing thoughts of Love and Peace in my mind, and I see how they have become a natural part of my thinking, thus creating this as my reality. I still have moments where negative thoughts and emotions rise up inside of me, but I tell myself that I do not need to dwell on them, that they are only temporary. I know it is not an easy task, as most of us have been conditioned to worry and to harbor negative feelings when things appear to be going wrong, but these are often temporary and unreal. 

Deepak Chopra said "intention is a force in nature". We must remember that our minds were built to create. It is their job to create the world which our ideas produce and so the more we allow our minds to be in a state of negativity, the more we will produce just that. It is the intention behind your thoughts which holds power. The more we give to the collective consciousness of the world, the more we have the ability to create positive change. But the change must first come from the individual. It must come from you.

@LoveKaruna (Twitter)