Green and Red Juice |
I nearly forgot to write a new post this week. Now that I'm out of school the days of the week seem a lot less important to me, which feels great! :)
But speaking of days of the week, on Friday I started my second juice fast. I decided to start one after I got through the semester because it was a crazy stressful few months for me and I know that produced a lot of toxins in my body (which showed up right on my face) and I needed a serious detox. This time I decided to drink less juice (cut by a third from last time) and I've been drinking more herbal tea, like dandelion tea for digestion, dong quai for hormonal imbalance and a Chinese liver detox tea.
The night before I started my fast, which was the day of my last exam, I started feeling a bit of a sore throat. I think maybe my body recognized it didn't need to run on adrenaline anymore and so my immune system started slowing down. Anyway, the first day of my fast was easy-peasy. I had surprisingly little hunger, perhaps because I was well prepared mentally. The next day I had to go to work and wasn't feeling very hungry again, but I was a bit weak and had to push through running up and down the stairs. But I survived! My starting weight was 130 lbs.
Today was my third day and it was actually kind of a rough start. Although I was exhausted from work yesterday, I couldn't sleep well last night. I felt a little bit of the effects of the cold. It was mild from the start, but I was feeling congested and mucousy which is actually a side effect of fasting as your body is trying to clean out. This morning I was incredibly tired, weak and was having hot and cold flashes (also normal side effects) so I kind of cheated to get enough energy to make my juice and I had a chewable vitamin C. After I had my juice, I felt great for the whole day pretty much. My weight by the end of day 3 is 125 lbs. Mostly just water weight so don't panic people!
Tomorrow, I'm not sure what I'll do. I was considering making this a short 3 day fast and start consuming some raw solid food tomorrow afternoon, but I'm not sure yet. Either way I'm going to have to take it easy. It takes a few days to come off a fast. I'll probably just eat an apple and some cucumber and have some more juice. This time I've just been having 2 simple juices, one green and one red. Here are the combos:
Green = kale, cucumber, celery, green apple, lemon, ginger.
Red = beet, carrot, green apple, cucumber, lemon, ginger.